Global Positioning System
Since the US Department of Defense established the worldwide Global Positioning System (GPS) network, it has been put to a very wide variety of uses by governments, corporations, organizations, and individuals alike. The other side of GPS functionality, which is sometimes forgotten, is the many uses it can be put to by individual consumers. Handheld GPS units ( http://www.gpsdevices.info/gps-handhelds.php ) and other GPS devices ( http://www.gpsdevices.info/ ) are available for sale through many ordinary retail channels, and can be very useful for a variety recreational purposes. For example, having a GPS device handy when camping, hiking, hunting, fishing, or boating can be an excellent way to ensure that you don't get lost, even if you somehow manage to wander off course.
The worldwide Global Positioning System (GPS) network was designed by the US Department of Defense, as a way to track one’s exact location anywhere in the world.
The GPS network consists of 24 navigation satellites, which orbit the planet at a height of approximately 12,000 miles. These satellites each orbit the earth twice every 24 hours, and they are set up in such a way that they can send signals to any location on the planet, whether it be land or sea, and no matter how remote.
The 24 GPS satellites are continuously beaming positioning data, which can be picked up by GPS devices ( http://www.gpsdevices.info/ ) on the ground, and used to calculate exact latitude and longitude coordinates. Depending on the device that is used, this data can be accurate to within a few meters.
Some GPS devices also provide advanced features such as dynamic mapping and detailed driving directions.
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